Launceston Tai Chi and Qigong
Tai Chi and Qigong
What is Qigong?
Qigong is an ancient form of exercise and moving meditation developed over 2000 years ago for building health, energy and longevity. The exercises harmonise with our natural breathing to promote circulation of blood, oxygen and energy (Qi) to all parts of the body. Literally translated the Chinese character Qi is air or breath and Gong means study or discipline. So Qigong is about learning to control and enhance the Qi flow to promote good health and well-being. When practiced regularly the exercises can improve, flexibility, coordination, efficiency of breathing, physical, mental and emotional balance, blood flow and immune function.
So What is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi is a form of Qigong that has been developed to have martial art or self defence applications. As with Qigong, all movements are harmonised with the breath and are soft and circular in nature. All the benefits that can be gained through Qigong practice can also be secured through Tai Chi practice. Tai Chi can be practiced purely for health benefits or can be developed into a highly effective self defence system for people of all ages.